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“Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

Monday, January 23, 2012

Website Evaluations

I tried to look for at least one "Bad" website, but when you are actually looking for one you can't find one without at least a reason to search for one......

Reading Eagle website:  http://readingeagle.com/

I use to hate this website because it would take forever to load, however, I believe the engineers at the Reading Eagle have finally viewed the website themselves.  Ultimately, I like the layout of the site.  The purpose of this website is to convey the news.  It is visually inviting with no obnoxious or annoying colors (with the exception of all the ads, but hey, they have to make some $$ some how to keep the costs down!).   One can easily navigate the site and with the tabs across the top and the alignment of the topics.  The site easily meets the CRAP criteria.  Contrast in colors used throughout the website and sub-pages/links, Repetition of the fonts and tabs, Alignment - the bullets are aligned properly on each page within the site, Proximity - the companies information is located at the bottom of the first web page which is the main page for all sub-pages. 

Discovery Federal Credit Union - https://www.discoveryfcu.org/

The purpose of this website is to sell financial services.  At first glance, the website is appealing.  The color scheme is warm, friendly and inviting.  There are links across the top for easy navigation, in addtion to the tabs for the different types of services the Credit Union offers.
  • The Contrast is great as the web designer pulled the colors from the butterfly logo into the frames/borders and the headers. 
  • The fonts are repeated throughtout the website.
  • The left alignment is repeated within each group or block
  • The Credit Union's information is located at the bottom of the webpage in addition to a link titled "About Us".
I had no issues in navigating through either of these two websites and the speed to get from one page to another was also good.  The CU website was a little faster probably due to the fewer number of graphics as compared to the graphics on the Reading Eagle website.

I have already become more critical about the way I view websites, but feel that I (and maybe most of us) have always been critical because some are just common sense in the way we view a website.  It is easy when you come across a website that is not easy to navigate or his "hard" to view because of the "loud" colors or poorly created graphics.

I came across this website and wanted to share with everyone.  It is a good reference website for the new web designer and tells us exactly what we have been learning about "what not to do" when designing a website.   Enjoy......   The Worlds' Worst Website - http://www.angelfire.com/super/badwebs/

1 comment:

  1. I love the angelfire website and will use that in the future. Thanks! and good posts so far this semester. WEll done
