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“Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Polling Questions

While reading my other classmates polling questions, I found them to be rather interesting in that some seemedm more on the fun side and some seemed more on the serious side.  I am not going to mention which was my favorite, because we all had different ideas on what to ask.  Some could be viewed more as political questions.  There was one that I unfortuanately could not answer, and that was how often do I speak to my mother.  The poll did not account for those where our mother's have passed away, even though I do generally speak to my mother, and I hope she hears me, but if she ever answers me..... I am in serious trouble!

My only issue that I had was on my own poll I could not figure out how to change the color of the polling statistics so that I could actually read them. 

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