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“Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Quiz on page 112 of the Non-Designer’s Web Book and put your answers in a blog entry

1.  In this particular case, I would say Print.  Due to the large amount of information that is contained in an annual report and the proxy's that usually are mailed with the annual report.  In addition, print is usually faster to create & more familiar to most readers.  However, I would also recommend that the corporation add the document as a PDF for those that would like an online copy.

2.  Print & WEB, but strongly lean towards web.  You might want to create a brochure to distribute and "catch their attention", however, you would want to include the website where you can provide much more creativity, information and really sell who you are.

3.  Web.  Simply put, you are a software company and it is all about technology.  With software updates that frequently, I would hope they have the proper resources to handle the volume of updates.  Further, FTPing the updates is much more expedient than good ole snail mail!

4.  Web.  Again, it is all about technology and the speed to relay the information and the security of the network to transfer that information.

5.  Web.  The booklets can be created on desktop software and attached as a PDF or even distributed as an online book.  Can also be created as a website and have the "booklets" available as links in the website.

6.  Web.  Looking towards the future as the popularity of  eReaders increases I say the Web, however since eReaders are still in the infantry stage and many people do not have a Kindl or Nook, or a mechanism to read  the book print is always an additional option.  Also, she will be able to notify/share the artistic talents with more people by using the web rather than print.

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