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“Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is it always a good thing for anyone to create a website.

Quite honestly, if one feels they have the desire to learn, then I think they should go for it.  However, I also feel they should have adequate training so that they can create the website the fits the CRAP criteria we have been learning about. I feel that without the training one could create a poorly, unfriendly designed website.

Maybe I am jumping the gun here, but I think with the technology we have today creating websites will be a little more easier for the novice designer.

Personally, this is a goal of my own, so I always hold true to the saying that you can always do what you want if you put your mind and effort to it!  For me, this has been a great learning experience and look forward to continuing to learn more about webdesign!

One of the disadvantages of creating your own website is time.  I am finding that I do not have as much time as I would like with the projects we have had thus far.  I also feel there is a lot of creativity that goes into the design and one must be patient and have the time to creating that unique website.  So hopefully, by the time I am finished with my cohort, my youngest will be away in college, and I will have at least given up my parttime job allowing me more time for webdesign!!!

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