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“Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Usability and Accessibility

Usability - how well a site is developed; is it easily navigated.  Again, sticking to the CRAP criteria, and not to mention, are the images the correct size as the larger the resolution, the longer the website will take to load.

Accessibility refers to how easy or is it accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities.  For example, is the color scheme conducive for all keeping in mind that there are people who are color-blind and black and blue are the same tone, do the links contain alternate text or tags for the the websites, etc.

Is it always a good thing for anyone to create a website.

Quite honestly, if one feels they have the desire to learn, then I think they should go for it.  However, I also feel they should have adequate training so that they can create the website the fits the CRAP criteria we have been learning about. I feel that without the training one could create a poorly, unfriendly designed website.

Maybe I am jumping the gun here, but I think with the technology we have today creating websites will be a little more easier for the novice designer.

Personally, this is a goal of my own, so I always hold true to the saying that you can always do what you want if you put your mind and effort to it!  For me, this has been a great learning experience and look forward to continuing to learn more about webdesign!

One of the disadvantages of creating your own website is time.  I am finding that I do not have as much time as I would like with the projects we have had thus far.  I also feel there is a lot of creativity that goes into the design and one must be patient and have the time to creating that unique website.  So hopefully, by the time I am finished with my cohort, my youngest will be away in college, and I will have at least given up my parttime job allowing me more time for webdesign!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Website Evaluations

I tried to look for at least one "Bad" website, but when you are actually looking for one you can't find one without at least a reason to search for one......

Reading Eagle website:  http://readingeagle.com/

I use to hate this website because it would take forever to load, however, I believe the engineers at the Reading Eagle have finally viewed the website themselves.  Ultimately, I like the layout of the site.  The purpose of this website is to convey the news.  It is visually inviting with no obnoxious or annoying colors (with the exception of all the ads, but hey, they have to make some $$ some how to keep the costs down!).   One can easily navigate the site and with the tabs across the top and the alignment of the topics.  The site easily meets the CRAP criteria.  Contrast in colors used throughout the website and sub-pages/links, Repetition of the fonts and tabs, Alignment - the bullets are aligned properly on each page within the site, Proximity - the companies information is located at the bottom of the first web page which is the main page for all sub-pages. 

Discovery Federal Credit Union - https://www.discoveryfcu.org/

The purpose of this website is to sell financial services.  At first glance, the website is appealing.  The color scheme is warm, friendly and inviting.  There are links across the top for easy navigation, in addtion to the tabs for the different types of services the Credit Union offers.
  • The Contrast is great as the web designer pulled the colors from the butterfly logo into the frames/borders and the headers. 
  • The fonts are repeated throughtout the website.
  • The left alignment is repeated within each group or block
  • The Credit Union's information is located at the bottom of the webpage in addition to a link titled "About Us".
I had no issues in navigating through either of these two websites and the speed to get from one page to another was also good.  The CU website was a little faster probably due to the fewer number of graphics as compared to the graphics on the Reading Eagle website.

I have already become more critical about the way I view websites, but feel that I (and maybe most of us) have always been critical because some are just common sense in the way we view a website.  It is easy when you come across a website that is not easy to navigate or his "hard" to view because of the "loud" colors or poorly created graphics.

I came across this website and wanted to share with everyone.  It is a good reference website for the new web designer and tells us exactly what we have been learning about "what not to do" when designing a website.   Enjoy......   The Worlds' Worst Website - http://www.angelfire.com/super/badwebs/

Week #3 - Quiz, Page 154

Of the two examples, I feel that B makes a better visual impression in that the navigation is clear and concise The navigation links are aligned on the left side, including graphics that match the text.  The colors of the entire page compliment one another and are not obnoxious.  The entire screen looks inviting.  For the most part, I think this one meets the CRAP criteria.

Example A is really "loud", starting with the black background and the large buttons that I have no idea what they are really trying to tell me and take up too much space.  Visually uninviting!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Polling Questions

While reading my other classmates polling questions, I found them to be rather interesting in that some seemedm more on the fun side and some seemed more on the serious side.  I am not going to mention which was my favorite, because we all had different ideas on what to ask.  Some could be viewed more as political questions.  There was one that I unfortuanately could not answer, and that was how often do I speak to my mother.  The poll did not account for those where our mother's have passed away, even though I do generally speak to my mother, and I hope she hears me, but if she ever answers me..... I am in serious trouble!

My only issue that I had was on my own poll I could not figure out how to change the color of the polling statistics so that I could actually read them. 

Readability vs. Lebigility

Readability is how easy it is to read a lot of text and pages of text.  This depends on the font and the layout of the text, paragraphs. Grammer and spelling should also be included in this category.  You want to make sure your readers can navigate through and understand what it is you are trying to convey and with the proper layout, fonts, and contrast you will keep your reader focused.

Legibility refers to how easy it is to recognize the short burst of text - headlines, buttons, signs, etc.  Again, font is also important and layout.

As a side note, my daughters asked if she could help me with my "blog".  I said sure, tell me the difference between readability and legibility.  In short, without understanding what I was really asking, she nailed it, because in her eyes, readability is how easy it is to read and legibility is how easy is it to decipher what someone has written.

Weekly Blog - Niagara Falls picture

If I wanted to include this a snapshot on my website, I would:
  • Crop out the tourists by editing the image in Photoshop and leaving as much of the waterfalls as possible
  • Scale down the size of the image for ease in uploading & less storage space.
  • Adjust the resolution of the image for the most clear image allowable before uploading to my website
  • Save the item as a .jpeg, png or gif for uploading to the website
  • Save the image on the computer as "save for web"
  • Make multiple copies as work progresses to use for backup or other uploads

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Additional comments on readings – what else did you learn?

I was very ecstatic when in the first paragraph of the first chapter, the author told us that if we already felt comfortable with the online services, the internet, web pages, links, etc. that we could SKIP THIS CHAPTER.   However, I chose read it anyway! 

Graphic Design in our daily life; print and the web

What did you learn about graphic design and  how does graphic design play a role in our daily lives and activities in both the print and web?

Graphic design has it's place both in print and on the web.  You don't have to be very artistic, just creative and not afraid to "play"!   Graphic design is very important in print as no matter how much technology we have and use, there is still a need to print, i.e., flyers, menus, etc.  However, the same information can and should be available on the web, therefore the Graphic Designer's ability to be creative is just as important to create a CRAP website!

What is your understanding of designing for the web vs designing for print.

Technology, technology,technology!  Web, with the proper tools and training, can be more creative and reach more people rather than print.  More color options, more designs options, easier and faster updates including distribution of those updates, and low cost of publishing to name a few.....  In addition to "saving the trees!!" 

Quiz on page 112 of the Non-Designer’s Web Book and put your answers in a blog entry

1.  In this particular case, I would say Print.  Due to the large amount of information that is contained in an annual report and the proxy's that usually are mailed with the annual report.  In addition, print is usually faster to create & more familiar to most readers.  However, I would also recommend that the corporation add the document as a PDF for those that would like an online copy.

2.  Print & WEB, but strongly lean towards web.  You might want to create a brochure to distribute and "catch their attention", however, you would want to include the website where you can provide much more creativity, information and really sell who you are.

3.  Web.  Simply put, you are a software company and it is all about technology.  With software updates that frequently, I would hope they have the proper resources to handle the volume of updates.  Further, FTPing the updates is much more expedient than good ole snail mail!

4.  Web.  Again, it is all about technology and the speed to relay the information and the security of the network to transfer that information.

5.  Web.  The booklets can be created on desktop software and attached as a PDF or even distributed as an online book.  Can also be created as a website and have the "booklets" available as links in the website.

6.  Web.  Looking towards the future as the popularity of  eReaders increases I say the Web, however since eReaders are still in the infantry stage and many people do not have a Kindl or Nook, or a mechanism to read  the book print is always an additional option.  Also, she will be able to notify/share the artistic talents with more people by using the web rather than print.

Process of creating a blog

Thoroughly enjoyed creating this blog and look forward to creating websites.  I am far from "artistic", but feel that designing the blog allows one to be creative.  However, and maybe this is something I missed, but would like to be able to "free form" or create a different wallpaper/background other than what is provided.