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“Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” Natalie Babbitt, Tuck Everlasting

Monday, February 13, 2012

Final Blog - Week 7

Well, personally I feel that what I have learned in this class was far more than I anticipated and I also realize that if I intend to continue in my pursuit to create websites that I need additional training and/or practice specifically in working with Adobe Photoshop.  I would like to be able to create or modify pictures that I would be using for my website, more or less, creating towards the final project.

Again, I really was challenged with Expressions, and not sure I am a fan of the templates offered, however, with more practice and possibly additional training, my feelings my change.  I do like that you can look at the code and based on the html training we had, possibly do more with the templates.  I originally indicated that I was going to use Webs, however, at the last minute I changed my mind and went with Weebly.  Why, not really sure except they indicated (sales pitch!) they had the most templates to choose from.  I was really impressed at how easy creating the website in Weebly is and feel that if I had more time, I would have expanded more on my site.  Since I did publish my site, I will definitely be adding more pictures to my Shop page and possibly more content.

My final projects were mostly in line with my storyboards.  The theme, the context and the pictures (and oh were there so many pictures!!) were pretty much on target with minor changes to the layout.

I have also learned that creating websites is time consuming, but what I found to be the most time consuming was manipulating the pictures, thus my need for further training on Photoshop!  I also realize & understand that it definitely makes sense to storyboard when creating websites.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and if there is ever Web Design 2, I will be sure to take the class!


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